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Below is extensive information on the types of appointments we provide. 


Kallum Ireland and Rachel Tassotti have completed  training in lymphoedema management.  Comprehensive lymphoedema management includes:


  • Skin care

  • Manual lymphatic drainage

  • Exercise

  • Laser therapy (as a member of  the Australian Medical Laser Association)

  • Compression bandaging & garment fittings


We offer all of the above components of lymphoedema management including education for individuals on self-management of this chronic condition and offering best practice assessment and management of people with lymphoedema and other complex or chronic oedemas. We offer Lymphodema Consultations at all of our practices by appointment.

Occupational Health

Occupational Health includes:


  • Functional Capacity Evaluation

  • Pre employment Screening

  • Return to Work Planning/ Case Management

  • Manual Handling Training

  • Risk Management Consultancy

  • Suitable Duties Programs

  • Medico-legal Reporting


All services delivered by experienced practitioners with qualifications in Occupational Health and Workplace Assessment.  Prompt services and meaningful reporting help you to meet your requirements and expedite a safe return to work for injured workers.  Contact us to discuss your organisations needs.

Aged Care

  • Aged Care/ Geriatric Physiotherapy

  • Out Sourced Physiotherapy Care

  • Care Plan & Accreditation Service

  • Visiting Massage Service

  • Home visit physiotherapy service

    • Mobility programs

    • Falls prevention programs

    • Wellness programs

    • Neurological Rehabilitation following stroke, brain injury,
      spinal injury or multitrauma

Physikal Health Services provide a range of contract services to RACFs, community care organisations and hostels. This includes physiotherapy care plan and implementation
to meet ACFI and accreditation requirements.

Physikal Health Services provide manual handling workshops, falls prevention programs, exercise classes and in servicing on a variety of current topics. To find out how we can
assist your facility to better obtain funding and dispense
physiotherapy us today.

We provide services to individuals requiring intensive at home treatment for stroke, orthopaedic rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation and more. Private enquiries are encouraged as these  programs have delivered great outcomes and further improvement to many clients who have been discharged from hospital or other traditional rehabilitation settings.

Physikal Health Services also provide a vast range of specialized products for mobility, splinting, pressure care, exercise and manual handling.  Contact us for more information on products and pricing.

Chronic Disease Prevention & Management

The health problems associated with obesity are numerous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem, itt’s a health hazard.  Someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is a normal-weight person. Obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:

  • Heart disease and stroke

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Cancer

  • Gallbladder disease and gallstones

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Gout

  • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnoea (when a person stops breathing for short episodes during sleep) and asthma


Our Health professionals can help you with the management and prevention of most Chronic Diseases, to assist you in becoming a healthier you.  Many people suffering from one or more of these conditions have significant barriers to exercise and Physikal Health Services can help to overcome many, if not all, of these barriers to make it possible to live again!

Physical Therapy Session

Laser Therapy

Your body is made up of millions upon millions of cells.  Each cell has a unique life-cycle and at certain times is more active, less active, heals faster, reproduces faster and the like.  Laser therapy works by delivering energy directly to these cells at a molecular level.  It is through this delivery of energy that laser therapy can influence the function of each and every cell in the human body.


Laser therapy can be used to speed wound healing, muscle repair and to provide a more rapid reduction in pain following injury.  In certain shoulder and knee injuries, the tissues damaged often contain cells which are in a G0 or resting phase as well as cells which have a limited blood supply, and as such, a low metabolic rate - these cells are slow to repair after injury.  In fact, in many cases they are simply too slow to initiate any healing.

Laser therapy provides energy directly to these cells - giving them energy to heal and energy to regenerate from injury.  This increases the rate of healing by improving the rate and quality of scar formation, reducing  inflammation and relieving pain, allowing improved movement earlier in the recovery phase - getting you back to the things you want to do sooner.


Hilterapia is a high intensity laser therapy which permits the transfer of energy deep inside the body’s tissues.   Adjustment of treatment parameters allows the therapist to choose between predominately thermal effects or predominately photochemical effects according to the specific pathology and treatment phase required.


Stimulation through light of the deep structures activates the cell metabolism through a photochemical effect, based on the interaction of light on a cellular level, which activates fundamental chemical reactions. 

The transmission of the pain stimulus is slowed down and the analgesic effect is achieved rapidly.


The high peak power of hilterapia achieves a further therapeutic effect: the Photomechanical Effect.  As high energy photons penetrate the tissues they generate a pressure pulse, having a micro massage effect at a cellular level which is fundamental in the reactivation of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.


Oxygenation of the tissues is stimulated, swelling and oedema are reduced and inflammatory chemicals are removed through a ‘wash-out’ effect on the tissues.  A rapid and intense anti-inflammatory and anti-oedema effect can be observed.


Finally, the controlled thermal increase caused by the therapy can ben, for the firs time, managed to achieve therapeutic effects. 

It is possible to utilize the photothermal effect of the emission in order to keep the volume of the treated tissue in an activated energetic state.  This makes the effects of the therapy long-lasting.

Shockwave Therapy

We are pleased to introduce Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)


Radial Shock Wave Therapy (RSWT) is used to treat conditions such as chronic heel pain (plantar fasciitis).


Radial Shockwave Therapy is an Extracorporeal Therapy, "Extracorporeal" means "outside of the body."

During this non-invasive procedure, pressure waves are directed at the area of pain using a device similar to that currently used in nonsurgical treatment of kidney stones.


What Is It Used For?

This compact unit delivers radial shockwave by handheld applicator and is ideally suited to treating relatively superficial pathologies such as, Plantar Fasciitis & heel spur pain, Achilles Tendonitis, Jumpers Knee, Tibial and Peroneal Tendonitis.


How Does It Work?


Radial Shock Wave Therapy is prescribed for patients who have experienced discomfort and pain from conditions such as plantar fasciitis for an extended period of time - three months or more - and have not benefited from other conservative treatments.


The brief procedure lasts about 10 minutes and is performed without local


Strong pressure waves are directed at the heal to penetrate the area, to stimulate a healing response
by the body.


Generally three to five treatments are required although in recalcitrant conditions up to ten sessions
can be delivered.  The majority of patients will have good symptomatic relief in only three or four treatments.


Why Use RSWT?


This therapy is a safe and effective alternative treatment for heel, foot and other joint pain and only requires a short recovery time.


If biomechanical dysfunctions are not addressed the underlying cause of the tendonitis or chronic soft tissue strain will re-occur and the condition is likely to return.  Reducing the immediate cause of pain is the first step, we must then endeavor to prevent reoccurrence of the condition by educating our patients to change their functional biomechanics and if necessary, assist with orthopedic devices such as custom made foot orthotics.


Shockwave Therapy is a simple, effective intervention which can be applied on its own or used safely combined with other therapies .

Our friendly, professional reception staff can make an appointment for you to discuss your treatment options with one of our expert practitioners.

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